Major/Minor Declaration & Changes
Initial Declaration Process
Students should have ample time to be exposed to a broad range of courses and experiences before focusing their educational interests and so do not declare their majors until the fourth semester of their college enrollment.
Preparation Tips:
- Reference the Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook for the list of major/minor options, the requirements associated with them, and the policies surrounding combinations.
- Understand your options: students can choose from six basic patterns to satisfy the major requirement: one departmental major; two departmental majors (a double major); one coordinate major; one interdisciplinary major; one student-designed major; or any of the preceding with a departmental minor (only one minor is allowed).
- Normally, students are required to declare their majors before registering for courses for the junior year or applying to participate in junior- or senior-year off-campus study programs.
- Each department/program approaches this process differently and eligible students should contact the department/program directly with any questions about completing major/minor requirements.
- Since some departments have courses that must be passed or criteria that must be met before a student will be accepted as a major, students are encouraged to think well in advance about possible majors and to speak with faculty about their educational interests.
How do students declare:
- At the start of each student's fourth semester, they are sent a "Major/Minor Declaration Form," via email and submit their desired major/minor by the posted deadline.
- Our team reviews and enters the declarations in Polaris.
- After all approved declarations are posted in Polaris, the academic department coordinators enter the major/minor advisor assignments by the posted deadline.
- Students are expected to reach out to their newly assigned major/minor advisors to meet and discuss their plans for course registration and completing the degree as soon as possible since course registration begins the week following the advisor entry deadline.
- See the Registrar's Calendar for the exact timelines for each semester.
Changing a Declared Major/Minor
After the initial declaration is processed, students may request adjustments to their declared majors/minor by emailing
- Be clear about the desired changes: include your student ID and current declarations, describe which majors/minor you're adding/dropping, and explain what you want your total declarations to be.
- Here is an example of the information students should provide in the email:
- My ID is 000000 and I am currently majoring in Polar Bear Studies.
- I would like to drop that major to a minor and replace it with a major in North Star Sciences.
- My updated declarations will be a major in North Star Sciences and a minor in Polar Bear Studies.
- Submit your requests well in advance of the start of registration.
What happens after you send the request email?
- Our team will review your record and ensure your request aligns with College policies, e.g., students may only have one minor, before making the change.
- Major/minor change requests are processed on a rolling basis in the order received.
- When a new major or minor is added, our team notifies the academic department coordinator in the relevant department or program who will assign a major/minor advisor.
Additional information:
- After your declarations are updated in Polaris and your new advisor is assigned, if applicable, students should reach out to their new advisors to set up a time to meet and plan.
- Students considering changes should consult with faculty to discuss their individual academic goals and pathway through the requirements of the degree.
- Not sure who to talk to? Start with your current advisor.
- Students may change their majors and minor as many times as necessary but they may not declare a new major or minor after the first semester of the senior year.