Xue Guo, Philip Schnmiege, Michael Fine, Yan Xu, Xiaodan Ni, Jiansen Jiang, Glenn Millhauser, Liang Feng, Xiaochen Li; Structure and Mechanism of Human Cystine Exporter Cystinosin; Cell (Sep, 2022 29;185(20))
Phon T Nguyen, Christine Deisl, Michael Fine, Trevor Tippetts, Emiko Uchikawa, Xiao-Chen Bai, Beth Levine; Structural basis for gating mechanisms of the human sodium-potassium pump; Nature Communications, (Sep 2022 13(1)5293)
Christine Deisl, Ruhma Syeda, Donald W Hilgemann and Michael Fine TMEM16F and Dynamins control expansive plasma membrane reservoirs. Nature Communications, 12(1):4990, August, 2021)
Xioachun Li and Michael Fine TRP Channel: The structural era. Cell Calcium (2020, Jan 87,102191)
Philip Schmiege*, Michael Fine, Günter Blobel and Xiaochun Li Human TRPML1/Mucolipin1 Channel Structures in Open and Closed Conformations, Nature, 550, 366–370 (19 October 2017)
Michael Fine, Lu FM, Lin MJ, Moe O, Wang HR, Hilgemann DW., Human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes for studies of cardiac ion transporters. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. (2013 Sep;305(5):C481-91)
M Lin, Michael Fine*, G. Frazier, and D Hilgemann; Massive palmitoylation-dependent endocytosis during reoxygenation of anoxic cardiac muscle; eLife (November, 2013)