(Undergraduate co-authors indicated with *)
Chown, E. (1999). Making predictions in an uncertain world: Environmental structure and cognitive maps. Adaptive Behavior, 1-17.
Chown, E., Kaplan, S. & Kortenkamp, D. (1995). Prototypes, Location and Associative Networks (PLAN): Towards a unified theory of cognitive mapping. Cognitive Science., 19, 1-52.
Kaplan, S., Sonntag, M. & Chown, E. (1991) Tracing recurrent activity in cognitive elements (TRACE): A model of temporal dynamics in a cell assembly. Connection Science, 3, 179206.
Highly Refereed Conferences
Chown, E. (2002). Reminiscence and arousal: A connectionist model. In the Proceedings of the Twenty Fourth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Gray, W.D. & Schunn, C. (eds.). Lawrence Erlbaum, 202-207.
Chown, E. & Dietterich, T. G. (2000). A divide and conquer approach to learning from prior knowledge. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Machine Learning, Langley, P. (ed.), Morgan Kauffman, 143-150.
Chown, E., Foil*, G., Work*, H., & Zhuang*, Y. (2006). AiboConnect: A simple programming environment for robotics. The Proceedings of the 19th International FLAIRS conference.
Chown, E., Jones, R.M., & Henninger, A.E. (2002). An architecture for emotional decision- making agents. Proceedings of The First Annual Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems
Cochrane, B., Lee, F.J., & Chown, E. (2006). Modeling Emotion: Arousal’s impact on memory. In the Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
Forbell*, E., & Chown, E. (2000). Lexical contact during speech perception: A connectionist model. In Proceedings of the Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
Henninger, A.E., Jones, R.M. & Chown, E. (2003). Behaviors that emerge from emotion and cognition: Implementation and evaluation of a symbolic-connectionist architecture. To appear in Proceedings of The Second Annual Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems
Kortenkamp, D. & Chown, E. (1993). A directional spreading activation network for mobile robot navigation. From Animals to Animats 2, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Meyer, J.-A., Roitblat H. L. and Wilson, S.W. (eds.), MIT-Press.
Strom*, J., Slavov*, G, & Chown, E. (2009). Omni-Directional Walking using ZMP and Preview Control for the NAO Humanoid Robot. In RoboCup 2009: Robot Soccer World Cup XIII, Springer, Berlin.
Work*, H., Chown, E., Hermans*, T., & Butterfield*, J. (2008). Robust team play in highly uncertain environments. In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2008). Padgham, Parkes, Muller and Parsons (eds.). May, 2008.
Work*, H., Chown, E., Hermans*, T., & Butterfield*, J. & McGranaghan, M.(2008). Player positioning in the four-legged league. In RoboCup 2008: Robot Soccer World Cup XII, Springer, Berlin.
Book Chapters
Chown, E. & Boots, B. (2008). Learning Cognitive Maps: Finding Useful Structure in an Uncertain World. To appear in Jefferies, M. & Yeap, A. (eds.) Robot and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping.
Chown, E. (2004) Cognitive Modeling. In Tucker, A. (ed.) CRC Computer Science Handbook Science and Engineering. CRC Press.
Chown, E. (1999). Error tolerance and generalization in cognitive maps: Performance without precision. In Golledge, R. (ed.) Wayfinding Behavior: Cognitive Mapping and Other Spatial Processes., 349-369 The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Chown, E. (1995). Reverberation reconsidered: On the path to cognitive theory. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 18, 628-629.
Chown, E., Booker, L.B., & Kaplan, S. (2001). Perception, Action Planning, and Cognitive Maps. To appear in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
Chown, E. & Kaplan, S. (1992). Active symbols, limited storage and the power of natural intelligence. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 15:3, 442-443.
Chown, E. (1994). Consolidation and Learning: A Connectionist Model of Human Credit Assignment. Doctoral dissertation. The University of Michigan.
Chown, E. (2000). Gateways: An approach to parsing spatial domains. In ICML-2000 Workshop on Machine Learning of Spatial Knowledge, 1-6.
Chown, E., Fishman*, J, Strom*, J, Slavov*, G., Hermans*, T., Dunn*, N., Lawrence*, A., Morrison*, J., & Krob*, E. (2008). The Northern Bites 2008 Standard Platform Robot Team., http://www.tzi.de/spl/bin/view/Website/Teams2009
Henninger, A.E., Jones, R.M., and Chown, E. (2001). A Symbolic Framework for Representing Emotion in Synthetic Forces. In the Proceedings of the ‘01 Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), November 26-29, 2001. Orlando, FL.
Henninger, A.E., Jones, R.M., and Chown, E. (2002). Behaviors that Emerge from Emotion and Cognition: A First Evaluation. In the Proceedings of the ‘02 Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC),. Orlando, FL.
Hermans*, T., Strom*, J., Slavov*, G., Morrison*, J., Lawrence*, A., Krob*, E., & Chown, E. (2009). Northern Bites 2009 Team Report. To appear at: http://www.tzi.de/spl/bin/view/Website/Teams2010
Jones, R.M., Chown, E., & Henninger, A.E. (2001). A hybrid symbolic-connectionist approach to modeling emotions. In AAAI Fall Symposium Emotional and Intelligent II: The Tangled Knot of Social Cognition. Technical Report FS-01-02. AAAI Press.
Jones, R.M., Henninger, A.E., & Chown, E. (2002). Interfacing Emotional Behavior Moderators with Intelligent Synthetic Forces, Proceedings of 11th Computer Generated Forces and Behavior Representation Conference. Orlando, FL
Work*, H., Chown, E., Butterfield*, J., Convery*, J.F., Costello*, P., Fishman*, J., McKay*, T., Mortimer*, B., Murchison*, M., Reeve*, Q., Slavov*, G., and Zhuang*, Y. (2006). Northern Bites 2006 Team Report., http://www.tzi.de/4legged/bin/view/Website/Teams2006
Non-Traditional WorksNorthern Bites (2005). Entrant into U.S. Open RoboCup competition, four-legged league. See http://academic.zlmmc8.com/computerscience/robotics/robocup/
Northern Bites (2006). Entrant into U.S. Open RoboCup competition, entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, four-legged league. See http://studorgs.zlmmc8.com/robocup/
Northern Bites (2006). Entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, four-legged league. Top 12 finish. See http://www.robocup2006.org/start?lang=en
Northern Bites (2007). Entrant into German. Open RoboCup competition, four-legged league. 3rd place. See http://www.robocup-german-open.de/en
Northern Bites (2007). Entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, four-legged league. World champions. See http://www.robocup-us.org/
Northern Bites (2008). Entrant into German. Open RoboCup competition, four-legged league.
2nd place. See http://www.robocup-german-open.de/en
Northern Bites (2008). Entrant into U.S.. Open RoboCup competition, four-legged league. 1st place. See http://www.robocup-us-open.de/
Northern Bites (2008). Entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, four-legged league. 3rd place. See http://www.robocup-cn.org/
Northern Bites (2008). Entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, Standard Platform League. 5th place. See http://www.robocup-cn.org/
Northern Bites (2009). Entrant into U.S. Open RoboCup competition, standard platform. 4th place. See http://www.robocup-us.org/
Northern Bites (2009). Entrant into World Championship RoboCup competition, Standard Platform League. 2nd place. See http://www.robocup2009.org/299-0-teams