Galileo' Library: Data, Methods, and the Humanities.
Galileo’s The Assayer: A Digital Humanities Translation. Introduction and Italian translation by Crystal Hall. Latin translations by Daniel Smith and Tim Dooley. In preparation.
- Galileo’s Reading. Cambridge University Press, December 2013. vi+250pp. Reviewed by Erminia Ardissino. Renaissance Quarterly 68.1 (2015): 268-70.
Edited Volume
- With Birgit Tautz. German and European Cultural Histories 1760-1830: Between Network and Narrative. 11 chapters, plus co-authored critical introduction (9,700 words) and epilogue (2,600 words). Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment. Liverpool University Press. 2024.
Digital Humanities Projects
Manifold site and graphical index for German and European Cultural Histories 1760-1830: Between Network and Narrative. Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment. Liverpool University Press. 2024.
With John Alamanza '23, Yordana Gerdzhikova '23, Lorenzo Hess '23, Bram Hollis '23, and Jack Olcott '23. Digital Humanists' Orlando furioso.
- Reviewed by Caterina Agostini in Reviews in Digital Humanities.
With Matt Donnelly, '22. Galileo's Virtual Library. Alpha prototype completed October 2022.
With Richard Ohia, '24. Visualizing Galileo's The Assayer. Accompanies the translation and critical edition.
Galileo's Library: TEI Editions. 30 titles.
Annotated Syntax for Seventeenth Century Italian. 2.5 million words.
Lisa Botshon (University of Maine, Augusta), PI. "Maine's Mid-Century Moment." DH consultant on data creation, network analysis, and spatial representation.
With Hannah Marcus (Harvard). GaLiLeO Lab: Galileo's Library and Letters Online. I created 15 analytical tools written in R, developed a full text corpus of correspondence, and integrated both with Marcus' metadata. Prototype demonstrated 2018.
Early Modern Italian Corpus. 437 documents, 19.2 million words. Sourced from Biblioteca Italiana and Early English Books Online. 2017.
"Data Set for North American Colleges and Universities with Italian and Digital Humanities Programs." September 13, 2016.
Galileo's Library 1.0. 2015.
- Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 6 vols. Eds. Mandy Gagel and Sophie Geoffroy. Italian transcriptions and translations by Crystal Hall. Routledge. Vol. 1, 1856-1885. 2016. Vol. 2, 1886-1890. 2020. Vol. 3, 1890-1896. 2023. Vol. 4 in development.
Book Chapters
"An Eighteenth-Century American Library in its European, Material Context," in German and European Cultural Histories 1760-1830: Between Network and Narrative, eds. Birgit Tautz and Crystal Hall. Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment. Liverpool University Press. 6800 words.
“Computational Parallax as Humanistic Digital Inquiry” in Debates in Digital Humanities: Computational Humanities, eds. Jessica Marie Johnson, David Mimno, and Lauren Tilton. University of Minnesota Press. 2024. 4500 words.
"Astronomy and Print Networks in Galileo's Library" in The Changing Shape of Digital Early Modern Studies, eds. Randa el-Khatib and Caroline Winters. Toronto and New York: Iter Press (distributed by University of Chicago Press). 2024. 8400 words.
“Crafting Early Modern Readers: Galileo and His Interlocutors.” Invited chapter for The Palgrave Handbook of Early Modern Literature, Science, and Culture, eds. Howard Marchitello and Evelyn Tribble. New York: Palgrave, 2017. Pp. 139-158.
Peer-Reviwed Articles
With Jenna Albanese '24, Caity Berry '23, and Bram Hollis '24. "Style, Computation, and Galileo's Book of Nature." In preparation.
"The Text Analysis Prototype for GaLiLeO: Galileo's Library and Letters Online." Under review.
"Attribution, Imposture, and Interpretation: Galileo and the Digitized Il dispregio della corte (1601)." Renaissance Quarterly. 77.3 (2024). In press. 15,000 words.
"Literature in Galileo's Library." Galilaeana. 21.1 (2024): 7-34. doi: 10.57617/gal-39 11,600 words.
With Lauren Tilton and Griffin Ng '22. "What Counts? Digital Humanities Pedagogy Seminars as Teaching." Digital Humanities Quarterly. 17.4 (2023) 8,300 words.
With Hannah Marcus. "Shattering crystal with crystal: Galileo’s rhetoric, lenses, and the epistemology of metaphor." History of Science. Online first October 2021. 61.2 (2023): 179-213. 16,500 words.
With Eric Chown and Fernando Nascimento. "A Critical, Analytical Framework for the Digital Machine” Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 46.2 (2021): 458-76. 8,500 words.
"Small Teaching, Digital Humanities, and the Italian Renaissance." Italian Language and Culture Conference: Challenges in the 21st Century Italian Classroom. 1 (2020): 89-103. 5,000 words.
With Erik Peterson. "'What is Dead May Not Die': What if the Mechanism/Vitalism debate never truly ended?" Journal of the History of Biology. 2020. 15,100 words.
"Digital Humanities and Italian Studies: Intersections and Oppositions." Italian Culture 37.2 (2020): 97-115. 9,000 words.
"Galileo's Library at the Intersection of Digital Humanities and Italian Studies." Italian Culture 37.2 (2020): 159-166. 2,900 words.
"Galileo's Ariosto: The Value of a Mixed Methods Approach to Literary Analysis," Humanist Studies and the Digital Age. 5.1 (2017): 96-107. 5,150 words.
With Margaret Boyle. "Teaching Don Quixote in the Digital Age: Page and Screen, Visual and Tactile." Hispania. 99.4 (2016): 600-614.
“Galileo’s Library Reconsidered,” Galilaeana, XII (2015): 25-78.
With Pamela Fletcher. "Digital Humanities and the Common Good." Maine Policy Review Special Issue: The Humanities. 24.1 (2015): 124-131.
With Stefano Vincieri. “‘Isolated from any village’: Vernon Lee’s Florence and Villa il Palmerino.” Cosmopolitan Florence: The Legacy of Nineteenth-Century Travelers, eds. Sirpa Salenius and Elise Ciregna, special issue of Open Inquiry Archive 3.1 (2014). Web. 7,000 words.
“The Poetic Value of Galileo: Giulio Strozzi’s Venetia edificata (1624) and the Myth of Venice,” Renaissance Quarterly 66.4 (2013): 1296-1331.
“Orlando furioso: The Board Game” SMART: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching 20 (2013): 51-66.
“Vasari and Renaissance Book Culture.” SMA Register VIII.3 part 1. July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011. (2012): 58-87.
“Galileo’s Rhetoric of Fables.” Quaderni d’Italianistica XXXI.2 (2010): 91-112.
Mogues, T., M. Etzerodt, C. Hall, G. Engelich, J.H. Graversen, K.L. Hartshorn. “Tetranectin Binds to the Kringle 1-4 Form of Angiostatin and Modifies Its Functional Activity.” Journal of Biomedical Biotechnology. 2 (2004): 73-78.
"Ferrando, Serena. The Navigli Project., 2022." Forum Italicum. 2023.
“Ferraro, Ginestra. Dante Visualized.” Reviews in Digital Humanities 2.12 (2021).
"Magni, Isabella, Lia Markey, and Maddalena Signorini. Italian Paleography." Early Modern Digital Reviews. 3.3 (2020). Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 43.3 (2020): 263-266.
"Ray, Meredith K. Daughters of Alchemy. Women and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy. (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2015.)" Forum Italicum. 51.3 (2017): 827-829.
"Nick Wilding. Galileo's Idol: Giovanbattista Sagredo and the Politics of Knowledge (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014.)" American Historical Review. 121.1 (2016): 324-325.
“Maurice A. Finocchiaro, The Routledge Guidebook to Galileo’s Dialogue (London: Routledge, 2014).” Isis 106.1 (2015): 182-3. Invited review.
“Tommaso Campanella, Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella. A Bilingual Edition, ed., trans. and annotations by Sherry Roush (University of Chicago Press, 2011).” Annali d’italianistica 31 (2013): 652-654.
“Mark Peterson, Galileo’s Muse (Harvard, 2011).” Sixteenth Century Journal XLIII.4 (2012): 1201-1203.