Gibbons Summer Research Program

Each summer, Bowdoin faculty are invited to apply for funding from the Gibbons Summer Research Program to collaborate with students on projects that use technology to explore interdisciplinary areas.

The Gibbons Summer Research Program was established by John A. Gibbons, Jr. '64 to enable students who are rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors to work with members of the faculty on projects that use technology to explore interdisciplinary areas and to develop fresh approaches to the study of complex problems. The students benefit not only by spending the summer focusing on a complex issue, but, as importantly, working closely with a faculty member, and learning how they study and analyze problems. Because the Gibbons Program values interdisciplinary work and thinking, students do not need to be working on projects in their major.

For more information about the program and its opportunities, contact Jennifer Snow (

Summer 2025: Call for Proposals

Academic Technology & Consulting is now accepting proposals for the Gibbons Summer Research Program, which funds students to work with faculty on summer projects, especially those that use technology to explore interdisciplinary areas. Your 1-2 page proposal should describe the project, its objectives, participants, and time frame for completion. Additionally, please provide the name of a student (rising sophomore, junior, or senior) you would like to nominate for the Gibbons Summer Research Program.

Proposal Details:

  • Participants (Faculty and Student Names)
  • Project Description
  • Project Objectives and Desired Outcomes
  • Timeframe for Completion (8, 9, or 10 weeks)
  • If students are submitting the proposal, the faculty advisor should submit a letter of support/recommendation.

The proposal submission deadline is Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Awards will be announced in mid-March.

How do I submit my proposal?

Please submit your proposal to Jennifer Snow at

Stephanie Sun '18 with maps from Inner Mongolia

Stephanie Sun '18: Charted environmental change by studying old maps from Inner Mongolia (1930-2010).

Walker Kennedy '15: Developed software to help students learn complex rhythms in traditional Afro-Latin music.