Bowdoin Facts and Figures

The subject links in the menu to the left contain detailed facts and figures about Bowdoin. Scroll down on this page to find answers to frequently asked questions.
Degree-Seeking Enrollment - Fall '24
1,873 on campus
171 off campus
(in approved off-campus study programs abroad or in the U.S.)

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

How many students are enrolled at Bowdoin (In Residence, Fall 2024)? 1,881
How many men? 901 (47.9%)
How many women? 980 (52.1%)
How many students of color? 753 (40.0%)
How many international students? 130 (6.9%)
How many from Maine? 185 (9.8%)
How many matriculated (degree-seeking) students? 1,873 (99.6%)
How many home states and countries are represented? 49 states; the District of Columbia; 2 U.S. territories; and 61 foreign countries

What is the on-campus FTE* enrollment (Fall 2024)? 1,876
How many full-time students? 1,873
How many part-time students? 8
*FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) Students = Full-Time + 1/3 Part-Time

How many students are enrolled in Off-Campus Study this semester (Fall 2024)? 171
How many men? 80 (46.8%)
How many women? 91 (53.2%)

How many students are in the first-year class (Class of 2028)? 507
How many men? 232 (45.8%)
How many women? 275 (54.2%)
How many students of color? 197 (38.9%)
How many international students? 35 (6.9%)
How many from Maine? 50 (9.9%)
How many home states and countries are represented? 43 states; the District of Columbia; and 27 foreign countries

How many students applied for admission (Class of 2028)? 13,265
How many were admitted (selectivity)? 946 (7.1%)
Of those admitted, how many matriculated (yield)? 507 (53.6%)
How many matriculants received need-based financial aid (Class of 2028)? 268 (52.9%)

How many students received need-based financial aid (in 2024-25)? 956 (51%)
What was the average aid award (grant + work-study)? $68,758
What was the average grant award? $66,840
What was the average family contribution? $19,148

What was the median graduate indebtedness for federal loans (2023-24 graduates)? $15,375

How many faculty members are there (FTE*) (2024-25)? 216
How many faculty are women (FTE)? 113 (52%)
How many faculty are of color (FTE)? 53 (24%)
*FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) Faculty = Full-Time + 1/3 Part-Time based on Common Data Set rules for determining faculty eligibility. FTEs shown above have been rounded to the nearest integer.

How many total employees are there (FTE*) (2023-24)? 981
How many are full-time instructional staff? 220
How many are full-time non-instructional staff? 712
How many are part-time instructional staff? 32
How many are part-time non-instructional staff? 116
*FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) = Full-Time + 1/3 Part-Time rounded to the nearest integer. The above employment numbers are based on IPEDS reporting, as of November 1st of 2023.

What is the comprehensive fee? (2024-25)? $86,320
What is the cost of tuition and fees for 2024-25? $67,832
What is the cost of housing and food for 2024-25? $18,488
What is the estimated cost of personal expenses, books and supplies for 2024-25? $2,500

What is the three-year cohort default rate? 0.0%

What were the total operating expenses (fiscal year 2023-24)? $226,677,000

What was the market value of the endowment at the end of fiscal year 2023-24? $2,583,406,000

How many living alumni/ae are there (as of June 30 2024)? 23,851
How many with a Bowdoin undergraduate degree? 22,010

What was the total amount of gifts to Bowdoin (2023-24)? $48,191,849




Updated January 30, 2025