Visual Arts Center
The Visual Arts Center contains offices, classrooms, studios, and exhibition space for the art department, as well as the Pierce Art Library and Kresge Auditorium.
Pierce Art Library
Collection of Books on Art
The Pierce Art Library is located on the south side of the second floor of the VAC, and houses about 18,000 volumes of the college's collection of books on art, art history and photography.
The Art Library is light-filled and the carrels are oversized to accommodate large format art books.
This library is heavily used by both art history and visual arts students and is a non-circulating collection, though college faculty can check things out for limited amounts of time, at the discretion of the art librarian.
Kresge Auditorium
Performance Hall
Kresge Auditorium, which seats 300, is used for lectures, concerts, performances, and other events.
Beam Classroom
Advanced Digital Projection and Multimedia Classroom
A uniquely equipped room with an advanced digital projection system that allows for dual image presentations for ease of comparison. This classroom is designed to help professors and students give elaborate multimedia presentations.
Picture Study Classroom
Presentation Classroom
An intimate space equipped with digital monitors that allow for image presentations for ease of comparison/contrast.
—Lawrence Biemiller in The Chronicle of Higher Education