Young Alumni Resources

Your Bowdoin network only gets bigger with time. Learn how to best connect with the College and the Bowdoin community as alumni, and see what resources are still available to you even after you graduate.

Welcome to alumnihood from some of Bowdoin's all-star volunteers!

Connect with Bowdoin

CXD bootcamp alumni panel


Explore the many kinds of volunteer opportunities, including with admissions, CXD, alumni relations, the Alumni Fund, Reunion, and more.

Career Planning and Exploration Support

Career Planning and Exploration (CXD)

Explore CXD's jobs database and repository of CXD-authored tips—if you need to create an alumni Handshake account, email Please note—CXD's advising practice and most services are focused on entry-level jobs and opportunities. 

Switchboard Logo- Red and blue circles connected by lines to resemble old operator switchboard.


Switchboard is a place where you can go to ask for what you need and offer what you have. Whether you're seeking a mentor, career advice, a roommate, or a place to live, connecting with the Polar Bear community is easy and meaningful.

Image of brass gate with sun logo. Sign hangs from gate reading "Welcome Alumni."

Events and Programs

No matter where you are in the world, you are always welcome at alumni events and programs—both virtual and in person!

Image of plastic water bottle with Bowdoin polar bear logo next to student working on laptop.

Connect on Social

Follow the Bowdoin Alumni and other Bowdoin social accounts.

Image of brass gate with sun logo. Sign hangs from gate reading "Welcome Alumni."

Alumni Gateway

Have new contact or career information to share? Update us here.

Search the alumni directory, connect with the Bowdoin Career Advisory Network (BCAN), and access library resources.

Helpful Links