Nadia V. Celis
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, and
Program of Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies
Bowdoin College
7800 College Station, Brunswick, ME 04011 - (207) 721 5687
2007 Ph. D. Spanish. Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
Graduate Certificate. Gender and Women’s Studies.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick
2004 M. A. Spanish. Rutgers University. New Brunswick.
2001 - 2002 Graduate Studies. Literature of the Colombian Caribbean. Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia.
2000 B. A. Linguistics and Literature. Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
Professional Positions
Joint Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, and Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies, Bowdoin College, from 2020.
Associate Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Bowdoin College, 2014 to 2020
Assistant Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, Bowdoin College, 2007 to 2014.
Crónica de un amor terrible: La historia secreta de la novia devuelta en la “muerte anunciada” de García Márquez. [Chronicle of a Terrible Love: The Secret Story of the Dishonored Bride in García Márquez’ “Death Foretold”]. Bogotá: Lumen/Penguin, 2023.
Reviewed in Repeating Islands, Las dos orillas, and various media outlets, including El Universal (Colombia), Noticias Caracol, and HJCK
La rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la “conciencia corporal.” Madrid, Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2015.
Winner of the Nicolás Guillén’s Award to Outstanding Book in Philosophical Literature, by the Caribbean Philosophical Association (2016-2017);
Honorable mention, Premio Iberoamericano Award by the Latin American Studies Association (2016); and
“Premio Montserrat Ordóñez” Award, by the Colombia Section of the Latin American Studies Association (2016)
Reviewed in Revista Iberoamericana, Letras Femeninas, and Caribbean Quarterly, among other peer-review journals.
Lección errante: Mayra Santos-Febres y el Caribe contemporáneo. Co-edited with Juan Pablo Rivera. San Juan: Isla Negra, 2011.
Reviewed in Revista Iberoamericana, Letras Femeninas, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, and Ciberletras, among other peer-review journals.
Beyond The Islands. Narratives of the Mainland Caribbean. Co-edited with Margaret Shrimpton and Oscar Ortega Arango. Caribbean Studies 48.2 (2020).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
“From “the Clay of Your Skin”: Lessons from the Recent Work of Mayra Santos-Febres”. Latin American Literature Today No. 23 (September 2022).
“La ‘Niña niña’: Expresividad y legibilidad de la violencia machista en “Los divinos” de Laura Restrepo”. Revista de estudios colombianos No. 59 (January-June, 2022): 58-67 (8200 words).
“Entre el “crimen atroz” y el “amor terrible”: Poder y violencia en Crónica de una muerte anunciada de Gabriel García Márquez”. REGS Revista de estudios de género y sexualidades 44.1 (2019): 19-36.
Winner of the 2018 Victoria Urbano Award to best critical essay by Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades AEGS (Formerly AILCFH).
“Las niñas del Caribe y la ‘conciencia corporal’: Apuntes para una descolonización encarnada.” Forum for Inter-American Research. 10.2 (November 2017): 85-107.
“Macondo en Austin”. Aguaita. Revista del Observatorio del Caribe colombiano 28-29, Junio-Diciembre 2016: 183-194.
“Tras medio siglo de El hostigante verano de los dioses: Fanny Buitrago y la ‘autenticidad’ Caribe.” Revista Iberoamericana. Vol. LXXXII, 255-256 (April-September 2016): 471-486.
“La magia de contar historias: Fanny Buitrago, en conversación con Nadia Celis Salgado.” Revista de Estudios Colombianos. 44 (July-December 2014): 48-52.
“Entre el fetiche y el cuerpo “propio”: las niñas en las escritoras del Caribe hispano.” Cuadernos de literatura del Caribe e Hispanoamérica No. 18 (July-December 2013): 15-34.
“Bailando el Caribe: corporalidad, identidad y ciudadanía en las Plazas de Cartagena.” Caribbean Studies. 41.1 (January – June 2013): 27-61.
“Algo tan feo en la vida de dos señoras bien: Los relatos de formación de Marvel Moreno y Rosario Ferré”. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. 34.3 (Spring of 2010): 559-580.
“Del amor, la pederastia y otros crímenes literarios: América Vicuña y las niñas de García Márquez”. Poligramas. Revista Literaria. 33 (June of 2010): 29-55.
“La traición de la belleza: cuerpos, poder y subjetividad femenina en Fanny Buitrago y Mayra Santos Febres”. Chasqui. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Vol.37 No. 2 (November of 2008). 88-105.
“Las verdades de Shakira: corporalidad y caribeñidad en un fenómeno global”. Aguaita. Revista del Observatorio del Caribe colombiano, 17/18 (December 2007 to June 2008). 9-31.
“Entre el amor y el odio: Ambivalencia materna, depresión e identidad femenina en dos cuentos de Marvel Moreno”. Revista Polifonía. Uniatlántico. Barranquilla, Colombia. No. 5/6 (2006). 199-211.
“El imperio de las imágenes: la fotografía y el simulacro de la nación en Bello animal de Fanny Buitrago”. Cuadernos de Literatura del Caribe e Hispanoamérica. No. 2 (July to December of 2005). 43-56.
“Ascenso y degradación en ‘El perrito’ de Marvel Moreno”. Rara Avis. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Bogotá, No. 4 (July to December 2001).
“Ascenso y degradación en ‘El perrito’ de Marvel Moreno”. La casa de Asterión. Departamento de Idiomas de Universidad del Atlántico. Vol 2 No. 5, 2001.
Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Books:
“La soledad de las macondianas: Paradojas del poder femenino en el Caribe de García Márquez”. Forthcoming in A tiro de ojo. Pensadoras del Caribe. Eds. Sara Martínez, Mercedes Ortega and Daniela Pabón. Universidad del Norte. (18 pages).
“Crónica de una historia inconclusa: la ‘muerte anunciada’ en la trayectoria de García Márquez.” Gabriel García Márquez a 40 años del Nobel. Lecturas desde Suecia y Colombia. Eds. Juan Moreno and Julián Vásquez. Cali: Programa editorial de Universidad del Valle. 2022. 283-304.
“La Negra’s ‘Provocation’: ‘Corporeal Consciousness’ and the Taking of Space in Nuestra Señora de la noche by Mayra Santos Febres.” Forthcoming in Philosophizing the Americas: An Inter-American Discourse. Eds. Jacoby Carter and Hernando Estevez. New York: Fordham University Press. (Publication date has been postponed due to pandemics). (21 pages)
“The Power of Women in García Márquez’s World”. The Oxford Handbook of Gabriel García Márquez. Eds. Gene Bell-Villada and Ignacio López-Calvo. London: Oxford UP, 2022. 187-205.
Online at <<10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190067168.013.11>>
“Violencia íntima y poder en En diciembre llegaban las brisas de Marvel Moreno”. El tejido de la brisa: La obra de Marvel Moreno. Eds. Mercedes Ortega Rubio y Orlando Araújo Fontalvo. Barranquilla, Colombia: Ediciones Universidad del Norte, 2017. 71-101.
“La soledad de Úrsula: Intimidad y violencia en Macondo, ayer y hoy”. Cien años de soledad cincuenta años después. Gabriel García Márquez. Literatura y memoria II. Programa Editorial de la Universidad del Valle, 2017. 337-356.
“La infancia como ‘pose’: Fanny Buitrago y la monstruosa ‘mujer-niña’”. Cuerpos abyectos: género, infancia y violencia. Eds. Margaret Shrimpton, David Loría Araújo, Celia Rosado Avilés. Mérida, México: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2017. 139-153.
“In the Beginning There Was Violence: Marvel Moreno’s En diciembre llegaban las brisas or the Genealogy of Power.” Global Issues in Contemporary Hispanic Women’s Writing: Shaping Gender, the Environment, and Global Politics. Estrella Cibeiro and Francisca López. Eds. New York: Routledge, 2012. 176-193.
“The Rhetoric of Hips: Shakira’s Embodiment and the Quest for Caribbean Identity”. Archipelagos of Sound. Transnational Caribbeanities, Women and Music. Ifeona Fulani Ed. Kingston: University of West Indies Press, 2012. 191-216.
“Itinerario: Mayra Santos Febres, figura y obra.” Introduction. Lección errante: Mayra Santos-Febres y el Caribe contemporáneo. San Juan: Isla Negra, 2011. 13-36
“Heterotopías del deseo: Sexo, dinero y poder en el Caribe de Mayra Santos-Febres.” Lección errante: Mayra Santos-Febres y el Caribe contemporáneo. San Juan: Isla Negra, 2011. 136-152
Book Reviews:
“Mayra Santos-Febres cuenta cómo sobrevivió Puerto Rico a la pesadilla de los huracanes Irma y María”. WMagazin, July 17, 2021.
"Caribbean-Latin@s: A Crisscrossing and Dislocating Narrative." Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal. 11.1. Article 10, 2014.
“Cuerpo y cultura: una celebración erudita del baile”. Aguaita 19/20. December 2008- June 2009. 155-158.
“El país de los árboles locos: Del viajero absurdo y la incertidumbre de su deseo”. Espéculo. Revista de estudios literarios. 42 (July to October, 2009).
“Los cuentos de Marvel Moreno”. C.M.H.L.B Caravelle. Université de Toulouse-le Mirail. No. 79. December, 2002.
Other Articles in Journals, Books and Proceedings:
Julia Borst, Rebecca Fuchs and Martina Urioste-Buschmann, “Decolonising Knowledge: Feminism and Embodied Resistance in the Caribbean. A Conversation with Nadia Celis.” Entertext. Special Issue: Crossing Thresholds: Gender and Decoloniality in Caribbean Knowledge. Vol. 12 (Winter 2018). URL:
“Hay bicentenario: Entre la Cartagena real y la imaginada.” Prologue to Hay Bicentenario. Independencia de Cartagena de Indias, 1811-2011. Cartagena: Instituto de Patrimonio y Cultura, 2011. 10-16.
“Lector y escritor: codependencia y antagonismo en ‘El espejo de tinta’ y ‘El espejo y la máscara’ de Jorge Luis Borges”. La Jornada Literaria: Actas de la XI y XII Conferencia de Estudiantes Graduados. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, Año XIX Número 1, 2005. (Selected Proceedings)
“La mujer del Caribe colombiano en Algo tan feo en la vida de una señora bien”. La Jornada Literaria: Actas de la X Conferencia de Estudiantes Graduados. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, Año VII, Número 1, 2003. (Selected Proceedings)
Other Edited Volumes and Proceedings:
Hay Bicentenario. Independencia de Cartagena de Indias, 1811 -2011. Cartagena: Instituto de Patrimonio y Cultura, 2011.
IV Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Memorias. Co-editor with Jorge García Usta. Barranquilla: Fondo de publicaciones de la Universidad del Atlántico, 1999.
La Jornada Literaria: Actas de la XI y XII Conferencia de Estudiantes Graduados. Co-editor with Julieta Vitullo. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Rutgers University. New Brunswick, Año XIX Número 1, 2005.
Articles in Literary Magazines, Newspapers, and other public media:
“Crónica de una historia inconclusa” (first chapter of book Crónica de un amor terrible). Revista Semana, March 24, 2023.
“Los enigmas de la novia devuelta en Crónica de una muerte anunciada”. El Tiempo. July 6, 2021.
“García Márquez: i segreti dietro la morte annunciata”. Doppiozero. June 21, 2021.
“‘Crónica de una muerte anunciada’, de García Márquez: la historia secreta de los amores escondidos, la desgracia real y el proceso de escritura”. Wmagazin. April 28, 2021.
“La verdadera historia de 'Crónica de una muerte anunciada'”. Huffington Post Spain. April 29, 2021.
“Crónica de una esposa devuelta: la historia de amor escondida tras la “muerte anunciada” de García Márquez” Centro Gabo. April 30, 2021.
“On tyrants, writers and #metoo: teaching power and Junot Díaz’s case”. The Bowdoin Orient, May 14, 2018.
Blog entries in “La intimidad del poder: sexualidad, amor y control en y más allá de Macondo”. Centro Fundación García Márquez para el Nuevo Periodismo Iberoamericano, 2018.
“La mujer del epílogo”. Latitud. El Heraldo. September 2nd, 2017.
“La soledad de las Buendía: Intimidad y violencia en el Caribe macondiano”. Latitud. El Heraldo. May 28, 2017.
Editorial contributions to El Universal. Cartagena, Colombia. 2008 to 2011.
“Mayra Santos-Febres: El lenguaje de los cuerpos”. Lección errante: Mayra Santos-Febres y el Caribe contemporáneo. San Juan: Isla Negra, 2011. 247-266
“Mayra Santos-Febres: El lenguaje de los cuerpos”. A Body of One’s Own: Conversations with Caribbean and Latina Writers. Brunswick: Bowdoin College, 2008. Movie.
“Magali García Ramis: La historia que uno se inventa”. A Body of One’s Own: Conversations with Caribbean and Latina Writers. Brunswick: Bowdoin College, 2007. DVD.
“Fanny Buitrago: La magia de contar historias”. A Body of One’s Own: Conversations with Caribbean and Latina Writers. Brunswick: Bowdoin College, 2007. DVD.
Works in Progress
The Solitude of the Buendía Women: Intimacy and Violence in One Hundred Years of Solitude (Book-project)
Las gestas invisibles (Novel).
In Love with Violence: A Podcast on Intimacy and Violence in García Márquez’s World.
Guest Lectures and Seminars
“La soledad de las macondianas: Intimidad y violencia en el Caribe de García Márquez”. XV Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Cartagena de Indias, July 30, 2023. (Keynote speaker)
“La orfandad de los coroneles”. En “Siete cartas pare el coronel” (Colloquium). Universidad del Norte, March 31st, 2023.
“Of Matriarchs, Mistresses, and Ascending Virgins: The Paradoxes of Women’s Power in García Márquez’s World.” Faculty Lunch Series. Bowdoin College. November 1, 2022.
“Más allá de la “inocencia” y la “provocación”: Respuestas a la mitificación de la infancia femenina de las escritoras contemporáneas en Colombia” (Keynote speaker). Coloquio sobre estudios de infancia en Colombia. Universidad de la Salle, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and Center for Global Childhood at Auckland University, October 27 and 28, 2022.
“Agarradas del pelo: género, raza y poder en la narrativa de escritoras afrocaribeñas”. (Presentation for Brenda Werth’s class). Department of World Languages and Cultures, American University. March 31, 2022.
“Chronicle of a Terrible Love: Uncovering the Secret Story of the 'Dishonored Bride' in a Classic of Latin American literature”. Department of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Tenessee. April 7, 2022.
“Crónica de una novia 'devuelta': La mujer tras la 'muerte anunciada' de Gabriel García Márquez.” Cátedra inaugural de la Maestría de Estudios Literarios. Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla. November 21, 2021.
“Los cuerpos y la ‘conciencia corporal’ ante el feminismo caribeño”. “Cátedra de Pensamiento Caribe”, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México, October 26, 2021.
“Agarradas del pelo: género, raza y poder en la narrativa de escritoras caribeñas.” MA Program in Caribbean Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, May 18 2021.
“La paradoja del poder de las mujeres en Gabriel García Márquez.” Banco de la República, Santa Marta, Colombia, October 20, 2020.
“¿Paz en Macondo?: Intimidad y poder en siglo y medio de soledad”. Webinar for Centro Gabo website. May 15th, 2019.
“The Empire’s Mirror: Postcolonial Revisions of Conrad’s Latin American Republic”. Maine Humanities Council's 2019 Winter Weekend. Brunswick, March 8th and 9th, 2019.
“Chronicle of a ‘Terrible Love’: Intimacy and Power in a García Márquez’s classic”. Faculty Lunch Series. Bowdoin College. February 14, 2018.
“El cuerpo palimpsesto: Encarnación y transmutación en la estética afrodiaspórica de Rita Indiana”. IV Congreso Internacional de Literatura, “El Caribe negro”. Barranquilla, Colombia. Universidad del Norte, October 17th to 20, 2017 (Invited speaker)
“Del ‘realismo mágico’ al ‘realismo íntimo’: Reflexiones para una Colombia más allá de Macondo”. XIII Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Cartagena de Indias, July 25th, 2017. (Invited speaker)
“Author Meets Critics: La rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la ‘conciencia corporal’”. Caribbean Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, New York, June 24th, 2017. (Invited speaker)
“Cuerpos y poder: Acotaciones desde una filosofía caribeña”. Universidad del Norte. Barranquilla, April 5, 2017 (Invited speaker)
“Rebeliones encarnadas: El Caribe y la ‘conciencia corporal’” (Seminar). Instituto Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Cartagena, May-June 2016. (Invited lecturer)
“Rebeliones encarnadas: El Caribe y la ‘conciencia corporal’”. Fundación Cultural Casa Colombo Alemana. Cartagena, June 2016. (Invited speaker)
“Epistemologías encarnadas: Cuerpo y poder en las escritoras del Caribe”. Universidad de la Salle. Bogotá, May 2016. (Invited speaker)
Book Presentation. La rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la “conciencia corporal”. Escuela de Estudios de Género, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, May 2016. (Invited speaker)
“Del cuerpo apropiado al cuerpo propio: corporalidad, subjetividad y poder”. Semillero de Investigación en Geofísica, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá, May 2016. (Invited speaker)
“La intimidad en Macondo: Mujer, amor y poder en el Caribe de Gabo”. Agenda cultural del Museo Histórico de Cartagena de Indias. Cartagena de Indias, April 1st, 2016. (Invited speaker)
“La rebelión de las niñas: Cuerpos, poder y subjetividad en el Caribe”. Seminario El Caribe, visiones históricas de la región. Instituto Mora, México City, June 11, 2015. (Invited speaker)
“La mujer en Macondo”. Feria del Libro de Bogotá. Abril 30, 2015. (Invited speaker)
“Questions de genre et de pouvoir dans l’œuvre de Gabriel Garcia Marquez.” Groupe de Réflexion et Etudes sur la Colombie GRECOL PA-FMSH. Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH). Paris, France. November 19, 2014. (Invited speaker)
“Amor y poder en Gabriel García Márquez”. National Association of Spanish Teachers Annual Meeting, Maine Chapter. Lewiston, ME, October 23, 2014. (Invited speaker)
“Cuestión de Género”. Cátedra Gabriel García Márquez. Parque Cultural del Caribe. Barranquilla, Colombia, July 22nd to 25th, 2014. (Invited speaker)
“Caribbean Bodies in the Global Market: Is Shakira Lost in Translation?” Massachussets College of Arts and Design. December 5, 2013. (Invited speaker)
“The Rebellion of the Girls: Reflections for an Embodied Decolonization”. Keynote address at SoCaRe’s International Research Conference: Crossing Thresholds: Decoloniality and Gender in Caribbean Knowledge. University of Hanover, Hanover (Germany). January 21st to 23rd, 2013. (Invited speaker)
“Heterotopies of Desire: Bodies and Power in Mayra Santos-Febres”. Faculty Seminar Series. Bowdoin College, November 6th, 2012. (Invited speaker)
“Rutas y resonancias. Artistas y festivales en el Gran Caribe”. Panel Chair. VI Mercado Cultural del Caribe. Cartagena de Indias, December 6th to 9th. 2012. (Invited speaker)
“Sexuality and Power in Mayra Santos Febres’ Work”. Center for Puerto Rican Studies. Hunter College, CUNY. New York, April 2nd, 2012. (Invited speaker)
“Writing Girls and Girlhood in the Hispanic Caribbean”. Women’s and Gender Research Group. Facultad de Flosofía. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia. May 16th, 2011.
“La retórica de las caderas: Shakira o de la caribeñidad transnacional.” Fundación Pies descalzos, Barranquilla, March 20th, 2010. (Invited speaker)
“Cuerpo y cultura: una celebración erudita del baile”. IX International Seminar of Caribbean Studies. Cartagena, Colombia. August 5th, 2009. (Invited speaker)
Un cuerpo propio: cuerpo y poder en escritoras del Caribe hispano. (Seminar). International Institute of Caribbean Studies and Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia. July 29th and 30th, 2009. (Invited lecturer)
“Caribbean Bodies in the Global Market: Shakira’s Hips Lost in Translation”. Mount Holyoke College. Massachusetts, April 2nd, 2009. (Invited speaker)
“The Rhetoric of Hips: Shakira’s Embodiment and the Quest for Caribbean Identity”. Faculty Seminar Series. Bowdoin College, October 22nd, 2008. (Invited speaker)
Conference Papers
“Las rutas intangibles de Cartagena de Indias: Recentrando los cuerpos y el trabajo de las mujeres negras en ‘Tejiendo Calle’ de Ruby Rumié”. Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Annual Conference, May 7th, 2022.
Organizer, Chair and presenter in panel “Lecturas críticas de nuestras culturas políticas: estrategias estéticas para una práctica intelectual afrocentrada”. Cumbre Internacional de Afrodescendencia. San Juan, March 21 to 27, 2022.
“Entre el amor y la violencia: Las paradojas del poder femenino en el Caribe de García Márquez”
XXII Congreso anual de la Asociación de Colombianistas, October 13th to 15th, 2021.
“Crónica de un amor terrible: Los enigmas persistentes tras la ‘muerte anunciada’ de García Márquez” (one hour special lecture). XV Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. July 26th to 30th, 2021.
“La Niña-niña:” Violencia, sexualidad e infancia en Los divinos de Laura Restrepo. Modern Language Association Annual Conference 2020. Seattle, January 10th to 12th.
Organizer and Chair of plenary: “Literature and Historical Memory in Gabriel García Márquez’s Caribbean”. Presented paper “La soledad y otras trampas del olvido”. 44th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Santa Marta, Colombia. June 3rd to 7th, 2019.
Organizer and Chair of panel: “Nuevas lecturas de la escritura de mujeres colombianas: Inequidad, violencia e inclusión”. Presented paper “De “los dioses” a “los divinos”: Leyendo la violencia en Colombia en el espejo de “la Niña”. Latin American Studies Association, LASA2019. Boston, May 24th to 27th, 2019.
“Intimidad y violencia en Macondo: La soledad de Úrsula”. XXVIII Congreso de la Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidad (formerly ACLIHF). Chicago, September 27 to 29th, 2018.
“Entre el “crimen atroz” y el “amor terrible”: Poder y violencia en Crónica de una muerte anunciada”. XXVIII Congreso de la AILCFH -Asociación Internacional de Letras y Cultura Femenina Hispánica. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, November 9 to 11th, 2017.
“Crónica de una novia devuelta: Amor y poder en la “crónica” de García Márquez.” 42th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Nassau, Bahamas. June 5th to 10th, 2017.
“Women of Color, Gender and Technologies for Liberation: A Roundtable”. 12th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Philosophical Association. Riviera Maya, June 18 to 21st, 2015.
“Develando la soledad: Amor y poder en el Caribe de García Márquez”. 40th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. New Orleans. May 26th to 30th, 2015.
“‘Misterios’ in Motion: Rita Indiana’s Aesthetics of Translation.” 39th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Mérida, México. May 26th to 30th, 2014.
“‘Misterios’ in Motion: Rita Indiana’s Aesthetics of Translation.” Latin American Studies Association. Chicago, May 21st to 24th, 2014.
“La ‘provocación” de ‘La Negra’: Mirar, tocar, tomarse el espacio en Nuestra señora de la noche de Mayra Santos-Febres”. Negritud. Estudios Afrolatinoamericanos. Cartagena, Colombia. March 11th to 14th, 2014.
“El antídoto caribeño: Del goce, la ‘pose’ y la ‘conciencia corporal’ en Señora de la miel de Fanny Buitrago”. 10th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Philosophical Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 20th to 24th, 2013.
“A 50 años de El hostigante verano de los dioses: Fanny Buitrago y la ‘autenticidad’ Caribe”. XVIII Congreso de la Asociación de Colombianistas. Regis College, Massachussetts, July 10th to 13th, 2013.
“La memoria de los cuerpos: Arte y espacio público en el Bicentenario de la Independencia de Cartagena de Indias.” Coloquio académico del Festival del Caribe, Santiago de Cuba, June 3rd to 9th, 2013.
“A 50 años de El hostigante verano de los dioses: Fanny Buitrago y la ‘autenticidad’ Caribe”. 38th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Grenada, June 4rd to 8th, 2013.
“Caribbean Bodies in the Global Market: Lost in Translation?”. 38th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Grenada, June 4rd to 8th, 2013.
“La ‘mujer-niña’ en la literatura del Caribe hispano.” 37th Annual Conference of the Caribbean
Studies Association. Le Grossier, Guadalupe. May 28th to June 1st, 2012.
“Cartagena de Indias: arte, cultura y ciudadanía en una ciudad ‘en disputa’.” CPA 2011 Annual Meeting
"Shifting the Geography of Reason VIII: The University, Public Education, and the Transformation of Society." New Brunswick, NJ. September 29th to October 1st, 2011.
“Ciudadanías en movimiento: cuerpos y poder en Cartagena de Indias.” 36th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Willemstad, Curazao. May 30th to June 3rd, 2011.
“Performing Caribbeannes: Embodiment and Citizenship in Cartagena’s Public Squares.” SEPHIS (South-South Exchange Programme for Research on the History of Development) Workshop: Equity, Justice, Development: People of African Descent in Latin America in Comparative Perspective. Cartagena: March 24th to 26th, 2011.
“La rebelión de las niñas: ‘Decentes,’ ‘Lolitas’ y otras ficciones sobre la feminidad en el Caribe hispano.” IV Conferencia Internacional “El Caribe del Siglo XXI.” Cátedra de Estudios del Caribe de Universidad de La Habana. La Habana, December 6th to 8th, 2010.
“Bailando el Caribe: Corporalidad, identidad y ciudadanía en las Plazas de Cartagena.” 7th Annual Meeting of the Caribbean Philosophical Association. “Shifting the Geography of Reason: Music, Rhythm and Movement”. Cartagena de Indias, August 11th to 14th, 2010.
“In the Beginning There Was Violence: Marvel Moreno’s En Diciembre or the Genesis of Power.” 35th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. St. Peters, Barbados. May 22 to 27th, 2010.
“La retórica de las caderas: Shakira o de la caribeñidad transnacional.” II International Conference of Caribbean Studies - ICCS. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias, March 15th to 18th, 2010.
“A Body of One’s Own: Mayra Santos-Febres’ Girls”. Comparatistas Act 22: Going Caribbean. Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Lisboa. Lisbon, Portugal. November 2nd to 4th, 2009.
“Del amor, la pederastia y otros crímenes literarios: las niñas de García Márquez”. IX International Seminar of Caribbean Studies. Cartagena, Colombia. August 3rd to -7th, 2009.
“Heterotopias of Desire: Sex, Money and Power in the Caribbean of Mayra Santos-Febres”. 34th Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. Kingston, Jamaica. June 1st to 6th, 2009.
“Paradoxes of Nomadic Bodies: Cultural Identity and Female Subjectivity in Julia Álvarez y Cristina García”. 33rd Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. San Andrés, Colombia, May 26 to 30th, 2008.
“El imperio de las imágenes: La fotografía y el simulacro en Bello animal de Fanny Buitrago”. XIV Congreso de la Asociación de Colombianistas. Colombia: Tiempos de imaginación y desafío. Denison University. Greenville, Ohio, August 3rd to 6th, 2005.
“¿Una nación sin cuerpo?: Ciudad material y ciudad virtual en la novelística de Fanny Buitrago”. VII Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Cartagena de Indias, July 30 to August 2nd, 2005. “Razones de vida y Escrito para no morir: Testimonio femenino y conflicto armado en Colombia”. Arms and Letters. Graduate Students’ Conference at SUNY. Stony Brook, April 9th, 2005. “Sobre el impertinente deseo en El curioso impertinente”. Quixotic Repercussions and Impacts. Graduate Students’ Conference at University of Chicago. April 22nd to 23rd, 2005. “Entre el amor y el odio: Ambivalencia materna, depresión e identidad femenina en dos cuentos de Marvel Moreno”. From Medieval Times to Post-modernity: The Literary and Cultural Shaping of the Hispanic Worlds. Graduate Students’ Conference. Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, March 26th and 27th, 2004.
“Las multitudes, el mercado y la crisis del letrado finisecular en José María Vargas Vila”. Literatura e instituciones. 13th Annual Conference of Graduate Students. Columbia University and NYU. New York, April 1st to 3rd, 2004.
“De pícaros y champetúos: Un espejo barroco para las identidades caribeñas contemporáneas”. La Jornada. Graduate Students’ Conference. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, October 25th, 2003.
“La mujer del caribe colombiano en Algo tan feo en la vida de una señora bien”. La Jornada. Graduate Students’ Conference. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, October 12th, 2002.
Academic and Research Awards
Manuscript Workshop Award. Crónica de un amor terrible: La historia secreta de la novia devuelta de García Márquez. Bowdoin College, 2021-2022.
Faculty Research Award: “The Power of Women in García Márquez’s World” (article). Bowdoin College, 2019-2020.
Course Development Award: “Attesting to Violence: Aesthetics of War and Peace in Contemporary Colombia” (new course). Bowdoin College, Fall 2018-Spring 2019.
AEGS (Formerly Asociación de Letras y Cultura Femenina Hispánica) Victoria Urbano Prize to Best Critical Essay, 2018.
Faculty Research Award: “Incest, Writing and Patriarchal Authority in Chronicle of a Death Foretold” (article). Bowdoin College, Spring 2017.
Nicolás Guillén’s Award to Outstanding Book in Philosophical Literature, Caribbean Philosophical Association (2016-2017) for La Rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la “conciencia corporal”.
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowship in the Humanities, supported by the by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Research Fellowship Endowment. 2016-2017.
Honorable Mention. Premio Iberoamericano Book Award to La Rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la “conciencia corporal”. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2016.
Premio Montserrat Ordóñez to La Rebelión de las niñas: El Caribe y la “conciencia corporal”. Sección Colombia, Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 2016.
Faculty Leave Support. Bowdoin College, Spring 2017.
Faculty Professional Service Support Grant. Bowdoin College, 2014.
Faculty Research Award: On Intimate Realism: Gender, Love and Power in Gabriel García Márquez Bowdoin College, 2014-2015.
Faculty Research Award: “The Rebellion of the Girls (book publication).” Bowdoin College, 2013.
CBB Mellon Foundation Micro Grant for Faculty Mentoring, 2013.
Faculty Research Award: “The Rebellion of the Girls (research assistant).” Bowdoin College, 2012.
Faculty Leave Fellowship. Bowdoin College, Spring of 2011.
Course Development Award, “A Journey Around Macondo: García Márquez and His Contemporaries.” Bowdoin College, 2009.
Faculty Research Award: “A Body of One’s Own: Interviews with Latina and Caribbean Women Writers.” Bowdoin College, 2008.
Course Development Award: “A Body of One’s Own: Latina and Caribbean Women Writers.” Bowdoin College, 2007.
Pre-Dissertation Research Grant. “Cuerpo, ciudad y nación en las novelistas del Caribe: representaciones de niñas y adolescentes”. Rutgers University, 2006.
Fellowship. MA and PhD Program in Spanish. Graduate School of New Brunswick. Rutgers University, 2002-2003 and 2006-2007.
Fellowship. Summer Institute “Writing Las Americas”. Boston University, 2004.
Fellowship. First Linguistic Exchange with the English Caribbean (Study Abroad program). Comisión Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología del Caribe Colombiano and ICFES. University of the West Indies. Kingston, Jamaica, Summer 2000.
Bowdoin College. Department of Romance Languages and Program of Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies (Formerly LAS) Brunswick, Maine. Fall 2007 to present.
SP 2204: Intermediate Spanish II.
SP/LAS 2305: Advanced Spanish
SP/LAS 207: Latin American Cultures
SP/LAS 2410: Introduction to Hispanic Studies: Essay and Narrative
SP/LAS/ENG 3005/2250: The Making of a Race: Latinx Fictions
HISP/LAS 3224: Attesting to Violence: Aesthetics of War and Peace in Contemporary Colombia
SP/LAS 3218: A Journey Around Macondo: García Márquez and His Contemporaries.
SP/LAS/AFRS 3220: Beyond the Postcard: Thinking and writing the Caribbean
SP/LAS/GWS 3226: A Body of One’s Own: Caribbean and Latina Writers
4000: Independent Studies:
Latin American Feminist Performers and Visual Artists
The Colombo-Venezuelan Border Conflict Through the Lens of the Press
Narratives of Home: Migrant Women Writers from the Caribbean and Beyond
Literature and Activism in Latin American Women Writers
Drug Trafficking, Violence and Sexuality: Prostitution in Colombian Contemporary Literature
Central American Caribbean Authors
Cuban Women Writers
Colombian Contemporary Novel
Nuyorican Literature
Queer Latino’s Memories
Gender and Cultural Identity in Chicano/a Literature
Caribbean Thought
Chicana/Latina Literature and Theory
Universidad del Atlántico, MA Program in Hispanic American Literature.
Barranquilla, Colombia. October 2018. Guest Professor.
Graduate Seminar: “Intimidad y violencia en Cien años de soledad”
Barranquilla, Colombia. April to May 2016. Guest Professor.
Graduate Seminar: “Entre ficciones y fricciones: ‘conciencia corporal’ en el Caribe hispano”.
Barranquilla, Colombia. March 8th to 22nd, 2013. Guest Professor.
Graduate Seminar: “Un cuerpo propio: cuerpo y poder en escritoras del Caribe hispano”.
Universidad de Cartagena. Instituto Internacional de Estudios del Caribe.
Cartagena, Colombia. Spring 2011. Visiting Scholar.
Graduate Research Seminar: “Ciudadanías en Movimiento: Cuerpo y poder en Cartagena y el Caribe”
Rutgers University. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Fall 2004 to Spring 2006. Teaching Assistant.
101: Elementary Spanish
139: Spanish for Native Speakers
331 and 332: Literature and Culture of the Hispanic Caribbean I and II
333: Literature and Culture of the Hispanic America I
447: The Novel of Spanish America I; 448: Novel of Spanish America II
Douglass College. Rutgers University. New Brunswick, New Jersey. Fall 2004 to Spring 2005. Instructor, Spanish Cultural Experience.
Rassias Foundation. Princeton, Boston. 2005. Master Teacher and Assistant Teacher.
Rassias Immersion Program. Elementary to Advanced Spanish.
Middlebury College. Summer School of Spanish. Middlebury, Vermont. Summer 2004. Instructor. Intermediate Spanish Conversation and Composition.
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Cartagena, Colombia. 2001 to 2002. Lecturer.
Colombian Literature.
Universidad de Cartagena. Cartagena, Colombia. 2001 to 2002. Lecturer.
Culture Workshop.
Service at Bowdoin
Chair, Working Group on Faculty Meetings, 2022-2023.
Program Director, Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies, 2017 to 2021.
Working Group on Faculty of Color and International Faculty Equity and Development, 2020-2022 (Co-Chair for the 2020-2021 Academic Year)
Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies Program Committee (2017-2018, 2019-2020, 2020-2021)
Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies (formerly Latin American Studies) Program Committee
Working Group on Classroom visitation, 2016-2017
Advisory Committee for a Diverse Community, 2015-2016
Faculty Diversity Committee, 2014-2015.
Curriculum and Educational Policy Committee, 2011-2013.
BASE Advisor, 2011-2012.
LASO – Latin American Students Organization (Advisor). 2007 to 2010, 2012-2013.
Bias Incident Committee, 2008-2010.
Other Professional Activities
Program Track Co-Chair, “Art, Music and Performance”, Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Annual Conference, 2023.
Cultural Program Director. 44th Annual Caribbean Studies Association. 2019.
Academic Consultant. MUHCA, the Historical Museum of Cartagena de Indias. 2014-present.
Research Associate. Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios del Caribe. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México. 2016 – 2020.
Consultant. Defensoría del pueblo de Bolívar. Cartagena de Indias, Spring 2016.
Researcher in Residency. MUHCA, the Historical Museum of Cartagena de Indias. Spring 2016.
CTET. Committee for Translation and Translingual Exchange. Caribbean Studies Association. 2014-2020.
Program Committee. 39th, 40th and 41th Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association. 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016.
Elected member of the Executive Council. Caribbean Studies Association. 2011-2013, 2013-2015.
Co-founder and Chair. The Translingual Working Group. Caribbean Studies Association. 2011 to 2013.
Program Coordinator. X Seminario Internacional de Estudios del Caribe. Instituto Internacional de Estudios del Caribe, Universidad de Cartagena. August 2010 to August 2011.
Academic Consultant. Cultural Agenda, and Bicentenary of Independence Commemoration. Instituto de Patrimonio y Cultura de Cartagena (World Heritage and Culture Institute of Cartagena). December 2010 to November 2011.
Academic Coordinator. Mercado Cultural del Caribe (Caribbean Cultural Market). Cartagena: August to December, 2010.
Academic Coordinator. Plan de Desarrollo de la Música Regional del Caribe colombiano. Cabildo Corporation and Ministry of Culture of Colombia. November 2010 to January 2011.
Associate Editor. Caribbean Studies Association Newsletter. 2010 to 2014.
Executive Board Member. Dissidences. Hispanic Journal of Theory and Criticism. 2007 to 2014.
Elected Member of the Faculty and Students Liaisons Committee, and Elected Student Voting Member to the Faculty Meetings. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Rutgers University, 2003 to 2006.
Co-coordinator of the Annual Graduate Student Conference: La Jornada. Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Rutgers University, 2003.
Professional Affiliations
Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, 2016 to present.
Caribbean Philosophical Association, lifetime member (awardee).
Caribbean Studies Association, 2007 to present.
Asociación de Colombianistas, 2006 to present.
Latin American Studies Association, 2004 to present.
Modern Languages Association, 2004 to present.